Wednesday, August 31, 2011

On migraine and thanksgiving

            A dull throbbing let me know before I’d fully awakened this morning that migraine had come calling. It was confirmed when I tried to move; a gong had been placed somewhere behind my right eye. While I waited for medicine to kick in, I lay with cloth over face in the living room, listening to boys play quietly – they know the drill. Self pity likes to come calling with migraine, but this morning I remembered the best medicine of all: thanksgiving. I had to smile as I listened to their play, and even before the headache subsided, I had a long list of blessings counted.

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
 I Thessalonians 5:18

            They’d taken out the Citiblocks I’d found on clearance for $14.99 at a big-box toy store; perhaps no-one there was looking for anything simple, made of wood and not requiring batteries. I wish I’d bought two sets! These blocks are the most played-with toys in our house, by all ages. They make fabulous towers, bridges, roads and – well – cities.

Today there were all sorts of structures, and somewhere mid-morning, I overheard discussion of a hurricane hitting one of the buildings, and road crews being called to repair the damage. A line of matchbox trucks moved out to help, and before long, the damage was repaired.

The Wrestler decided he'd use part of the morning to write thank you notes, and carefully wrote out acrostic poems for each recipient’s name - his idea, well underway before I wandered in with camera in hand.

Giving thanks today for boys who cared for their mama by playing quietly; for creativity and diligence; for loved pets,

 and for a cozy morning devoted to nothing but delight-directed activities that I never could have orchestrated so nicely. Even the cat enjoyed a nap in the sunny window sill.

When the headache subsided, I snuck in a few pictures, and we enjoyed a late breakfast together, still in PJs. For at least one boy, however, the relaxed spirit of the morning went on through the day.

Yes, he really can read like that!
Trusting in Him,


  1. What a beautiful day it turned out to be, in spite of that stinky migraine. That's my favorite verse ~ it helps me keep perspective so many times.

    Your family is so beautiful and growing up!

  2. Thanks, Brenna! That's my favorite verse too - it's like a compass that keeps me pointed in the right direction. Have a blessed day with your beautiful ones!
